Friday, March 23, 2007

Do You Carparty?

So it was Global Alternative Transport to Work day yesterday, the idea being to get cars off the road and help the environment. We figured carpooling is great for the environment and all, but could it be more fun? Some other Nooglers (New Googlers) and I thought so, that's why we "Carparty to Work", Good Times!

Carparty Tip - keep party materials in your trunk then u'll be ready to carparty at any time. Pack additional friends in the trunk and you'll have an even bigger carparty!

To extend the carparty, party outside the car before getting in.

The carparty was too much for the disco ball. It broke. :(

Safety first: quiet while driving.

Rebecca was rockin' the back left seat.

Vicky looked a bit scared in the front passenger seat.

'Rockin' the car. :P

She didn't want to carparty.

We still did! :D

True carpartying involves partying all the way into work.

So we're dressed like freaks, will we still be let in?

Groovin' in the lift.

Why stop the carparty at work? Continue the party with a workparty!

It's ok Larry and Sergei, we party with non-alcoholic cider when traveling to work. :)

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