Sunday, April 8, 2007

Salsa Dancing

Last Thursday night Andrew Bentley (he has Fox grandparents so we decided we're cousins) organised a night of Salsa dancing in San Francisco.

Jodie was already in the city so Jess and I jumped on a Google shuttle to take us there.

Google provide these shuttles (for free) to pick up and drop off Googlers from all over the San Francisco bay area. This is not the best photo of the shuttle, I'll have to get another one, but I thought they would just be like standard buses. This is Google, so of course they aren't. They look like a giant limo and come kitted out with reclining leather seats, tables and wireless internet access!

The whole shuttle experience was a little exciting for me.

Jess and I chilled in the comfy seats.

and ate some dinner we'd picked up from Charlie's cafe (to be reviewed).

We arrived for a Salsa dancing lesson.

My salsa dancing skills left a little to be desired, so this French dude muscled in on my turf and salsa'd with Jodie.

That was cool though, cause my mate from High School, Chris Chan was in town from New York so we sat down and caught up.

Chris was excited to see me...

Jodie and Jess taking a break.

Megan showed Chris a thing of two about Salsa.

Nothing like post Salsa pizza. :)

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